Milestones Age 58-59, Part 5

Quantum Shift

Age 58/59 depicts a major transition in our lives! It leads us into our third Trimester in life. What are our hopes and dreams for the next thirty or so years? What does our current reality look like? Have we arrived where we thought we would be by now?

These questions come to the forefront of our minds, undeniably visible by the time that has passed. At this time, we reflect whether we have achieved what we wanted and how we have utilised our time thus far. Our first Milestone Age 28/29 and the direction we took has strong relevance to our situation now. We are now able to assess whether the choices we made back then have met our expectations.

It is easy at this time to denounce ourselves about the past and find responsibilities that we could have fulfilled better. These insights will be valuable if we draw conclusions and develop steps, we can action today to create the future we want. Living with regrets or victimhood can make the last Trimester a very tough and sickening road. The past / present / future / action steps review below can be taken at any age.  However, it is particularly recommended during this current Milestone Age to truly take stock and have an action plan to make the most of the time to come.

Recommended exercise for reflection (write down as spontaneously as possible without overthinking for authentic results):

1.       Past achievements                       

2.       Present state                                

3.       Future vision                  

4.       Action steps

A little background on how this action plan can be successfully undertaken. We have all had our (often New Year’s) resolutions lists and found that daily life failed us in achieving our well-meant and desired changes. This may have left us feeling that ingrained patterns cannot be recalibrated. This is untrue! Nature tells us - we have cells in our body that involuntarily divide and change. All types of cells in the human body completely renew on a cycle. For example, the adult human liver replaces itself about once every 12 to 18 months, the entire human skeleton is replaced by bone turnover every ten years. Wouldn’t this suggest that it is healthy to recycle some of our thoughts to match the new bone structure? Especially the ones that have not been working for us.

On a societal level Ervin Laszlo has written about this phenomenon in 2016:

“A quantum shift in the global brain is a sudden and fundamental transformation in the relations of a significant segment of the 6.5 bn humans to each other and to nature – a Macroshift in society”

For this shift to occur it needs two elements:

1.       The change in the neurological system and how we process information to choose a different response to the circumstances

2.       The change in the way we relate to each other and the impact on nature and the cosmos

 These two shifts together create a change in reality. Whilst Laszlo comments on global issues, he explains that it requires alterations in human consciousness to unleash creativity and open-mindedness needed to bring change. He also argues that feeling at one with self through meditation and inner reflection and the connection with ourselves is required to save us from extinction, as it keeps us evolving. The reason for our need to evolve is that everything in nature divides and continues in a slightly different way around us all the time. As creatures of habit, we often assume that we can continue to do business as usual. This creates a gap over time and possibly why we no longer fit into our changing environment. He makes the point that we will need to embrace the changes that are globally required to evolve as we may otherwise become obsolete!

This may sound alarming at face value, and it requires our own effort. Making the individual choice to put effort into growing, ensures we keep expanding our consciousness.  The approach we have chosen about this determines what our Milestone Age 58/59 will have in store for us individually.

The good news is that it is not too late to change from just surviving to expressing our true selves. This time more than ever before in our lives may we create some wonderful results for our way into the third trimester of our life. We run out of reasons and excuses when we run out of time. Time is holding us to account and we cannot explain it away or negotiate with it.

Through the eyes of Solfile mapping, here are some scenarios to outline the types of cycles that we are faced with at 58/59:

·       Reflect on your decisions and actions at the age 29 (Milestone part 1) – growing up, taking responsibility, this is your second chance!

·       We often see the results where we invested our time and with what we have worked very hard for. This involves our careers, relationships or children. Reassess the residual responsibilities and ask yourself where fulfilling these will take you? Are you prepared to invest the time this takes?

·       The consequence of our creations become highly visible together with any short-cuts that we may have taken. Now is the time to discover true substance or decay and assess its viability.  For example - 60 years ago the Federal Reserve abolished the gold standard (1971). We have been seeing the consequences of the easy solution that was taken back then. We have been faced with having to heal the root cause of eroding this backing as a foundation.

·       It will become unfulfilling and draining to uphold appearances. Supporting your real purpose will in contrast provide positive surges and inspiration.  

·       Who has control over your life? What have you allowed to be your priority? Where does this take you and will these priorities need changing?

·       Coming full circle (completion / renewal) – at this time we can return with a more mature an advanced approach.

·       Learning from mistakes.

·       Shifting dimensions / levels of operating: 1) work environments 2) priorities 3) quest for purpose.

·       Change in consciousness and awareness levels which results in a change of priorities.

·       Dealing with generational “clashes”.

·       The rush of inspiration, an awakening to do the best work yet (until age 84 Uranus return).

·       Love and being excited from the heart is what matters – often the discovery of how helping other people brings fulfilment and blessings which is life-changing.

·       Identity or roles change, for example whilst we filled a position in our work careers this transforms to concentrating on expressing our own creations more autonomously.

·       Rebuilding after some structures have fallen, finding more individual freedom from external restrictions but also from emotional difficulties.

What holds us back is often the lack of belief in ourselves or the thought that we are missing something to be great? The truth is that we need to know ourselves well, so we can express our talents and make a difference to others naturally. Everyone has a special skill, talent and passion that they are meant to express which adds pieces to the Kaleidoscope we are living in. Holding these pieces back will create gaps in the big colourful picture.

As Marianne Williamson writes:

"...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? 
Actually, who are you not to be? 
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. 
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. 
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Milestone ages are Rites of Passage times. It is not too late even if you have felt weighted down with responsibility that you are still carrying without the chance to work on it thus far. We are not meant to suffer as others miss out on our inspiring spirits and crossroads will arise now requiring us to choose ourselves first ultimately for the benefit of people around us to enjoy our areas and pockets of brilliance that we express without worrying whether it is perfect for everyone else. 

Our team at People Planet Guide has been created to walk alongside you during these times.  Contact me for an In Focus session and download Solfile App from our webpage or click on this link: Solfile App to learn information about your personal journey right away.

About Sylvia Flimm

Sylvia is the Co-Founder of People Planet Guide; creators behind Solfile Mobile Application.

Sylvia has shared her wide area of qualifications and practical expertise as financial executive, health practitioner and counsellor on her dual career path for 30 years. It is her passion to provide tools for increased self-understanding as a key to authenticity and happiness. She collaborates with individuals and teams in the workplace to foster positive interaction and authentic expression which has been her lifelong quest.

Her personal and client experiences combined with extensive work in the operation of Health Retreats and other businesses are well regarded locally and internationally. Sylvia offers unique In Focus consultations, connecting our wellbeing with mental and physical health to lead a successful and fulfilling life. She writes with the intent to help find our unique potential within and discover our special connection to our soul purpose which ultimately leads to a joyful life.


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